Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Fascinating History of Tatto

The Fascinating History of Tatto

As humans living in the 21st century, it is very easy to think that the story of mankind is virtually limited to the last couple of centuries. If one looks at the rate of developments since the 1800's, it is easy to see that the changes in society, industry, and culture have seen the most change in recent times than they have in any other period of time. The history of tatto is somewhat different from the story of mankind, as the practice of body art has been around for thousands of years, and unlike other things that have been around for thousands of years (like clothing or tools), it has not drastically changed in that time period.

The art of marking one's body permanently can be traced back at least 5,000 years. A lot of the markings that were used in that time period are not very different from the markings used in modern artists' studios in the 21st century. Although the markings have not changed so very much, the motivation for the markings and the meaning behind them has changed a fair amount.

Ink markings were used in ancient cultures to mark such things as warrior status and the status of women in terms of being of adult age and being 'married' or not. These markings were used at the beginning of the history of tatto because they were indelible. While a piece of ornamentation may be lost or stolen, a mark on the body which is permanent can not be lost or stolen. It is for this reason that in ancient warrior society's body art was used as a form of easily marking the human body to ensure that the markings would stay.

It is for this very same reason that this type of marking was used later on in Roman societies to mark slaves and to mark prisoners. Since the mark was sure to stay permanently, they did not have to worry so much about slaves and prisoners escaping. If someone escaped, they could always be re-identified on the basis of the markings on their body.

In more recent times, sailors visiting exotic places often came home with what one might consider to be modern body art, motivated by the desire to come home with something definitively exotic or some new mark of experience. This is where the history of tatto comes into the modern era. These sailors were the first, it is thought, to desire the bodily markings without basis of what the markings mean in a given society. This is where the practice started to become popular in our western societies.

There is much more to know about this age-old practice of indelibly marking one's body. One of the best places to learn more about the practice is at Not only can you learn much more, the website also features an amazing eBook offer that is available for purchase. Not only does the eBook tackle the process of getting your own body art, it also tells you much more about the fascinating history of tatoo.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

History of Tatto's

History of Tatto's

If you are curious about the history of tatto's as a practice in the world, you might just be surprised by how far back the story goes and how wide the practice is and has been across the world. At Tattoo-Blast, we want to give you as much information as we can in order to satisfy your curiosity.

While some experts state that the practice can be traced back a few thousand years to ancient Egypt, other experts give the practice a life span much longer than that. The ice man, found in Europe in the 90's and said to have lived about 5,000 years ago, sported many designs on his frozen body. This discovery made it known that the practice was not limited to the regions of the world where it was once thought to have originated.

Many people, in writing a brief tatto's history, state that the practice began in ancient Egypt. The name for the practice, however, comes from the Tahitian word 'tatau' which means "to mark something." Purely etymologically speaking, it seems unlikely that the practice was isolated to Egypt and cultures in contact with it. Researchers have found evidence of it being done in areas as distant as Alaska, Peru and New Zealand. It is most likely that it does not have one and only one source, but rather that it was begun, independently, in various parts of the world.

At Tattoo-Blast, we can give you more information on the very developed tribal tatto's history. Many ancient tribes all across the world used the practice to show who was a member of which tribe. In addition to showing allegiance or membership, designs and locations of markings could show the status of various members of a tribe. For men, markings often showed warrior feats that had been accomplished, whereas women's symbols showed first that they were of adult age and then again a new marking when they became married. Such practices are attested to in many regions of the world.

If you want to know even more about the history of tatto's, visit our website at This information is only the tip of the iceberg -- you can find much more information on our webpage or purchase our helpful eBook if you are getting ready to get one yourself. This practice is an integral part of our human story on Earth and some of the earliest art known to man.

Friday, March 16, 2007

History of Tattoo's

History of Tattoo's

If you are curious about the history of tattoo's as a practice in the world, you might just be surprised by how far back the story goes and how wide the practice is and has been across the world. At Tattoo-Blast, we want to give you as much information as we can in order to satisfy your curiosity.

While some experts state that the practice can be traced back a few thousand years to ancient Egypt, other experts give the practice a life span much longer than that. The ice man, found in Europe in the 90's and said to have lived about 5,000 years ago, sported many designs on his frozen body. This discovery made it known that the practice was not limited to the regions of the world where it was once thought to have originated.

Many people, in writing a brief tattoo's history, state that the practice began in ancient Egypt. The name for the practice, however, comes from the Tahitian word 'tatau' which means "to mark something." Purely etymologically speaking, it seems unlikely that the practice was isolated to Egypt and cultures in contact with it. Researchers have found evidence of it being done in areas as distant as Alaska, Peru and New Zealand. It is most likely that it does not have one and only one source, but rather that it was begun, independently, in various parts of the world.

At Tattoo-Blast, we can give you more information on the very developed tribal tattoo's history. Many ancient tribes all across the world used the practice to show who was a member of which tribe. In addition to showing allegiance or membership, designs and locations of markings could show the status of various members of a tribe. For men, markings often showed warrior feats that had been accomplished, whereas women's symbols showed first that they were of adult age and then again a new marking when they became married. Such practices are attested to in many regions of the world.

If you want to know even more about the history of tattoo's, visit our website at This information is only the tip of the iceberg -- you can find much more information on our webpage or purchase our helpful eBook if you are getting ready to get one yourself. This practice is an integral part of our human story on Earth and some of the earliest art known to man.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Welcome to our Tattoo Designs page, here you will find lots of helpful info about all the diferent types of tattoo designs.

Flower Tattoos
For some strange reasons, I like designing flower tattoos more than others. Flower tattoos are mostly favored by women, they are like clothes accessories except that you can wear your tattoo to bed. It’s like having a piece of art with you all the time. I find women with tattoos more appealing, sexier, more feminine and more powerful...

Click here to read Flower Tattoos

Kanji Tattoos
Have you ever considered getting a Kanji tattoo? If the answer is yes, it may be worthwhile reading this article for you. Today, thousands of people from western countries such as USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and from most...

Click here to read Most Important Things You Need To Know Before Getting Japanese Kanji Symbols For Kanji Tattoos

Tattoo Design Choice - Part 1
Tattoos are for life. If you don't make an educated decision there may come a time when you regret what you did. If you already have one or several tattoo designs inked I hope you're proud of them, but most importantly comfortable in your own skin. Think about not just the short-term gratification but...

Click here to read Tattoo Design Choice - Part 1

Tattoo Design Choice - Part 2
A celtic cross or maybe a cool tribal? Deciding on what type of tattoo to get is obviously a very important decision right? There are so many options to choose from but...

Click here to read Tattoo Design Choice - Part 2

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

tattoo faq's


tattoo faq's

Q: Will it hurt when I get a tattoo?

A: Simply put, yes. There is some degree of pain involved and the amount really depends on your level of tolerance. If you are scared or have a fear of needles, it’s fair to say that some of the pain will come from your fear of the process.

Q: Can the tattoo artist use any type of cream that will numb my skin?

A: Generally speaking, these products are not recommended. You can ask your tattoo artist for specific reasons.

Q: Are tattoos expensive?

A: If it is quality work, yes. Anyone can offer you a deal on a cheap tattoo, but this is going to be a permanent part of your body and you want the work to be something that you are proud of. In a nutshell, you will get what you pay for. When it comes to tattoos, don’t cut any corners when it comes to cost and never ask the artist to lower his/her price.

Q: When should I get a tattoo?

A: Many do not realize this, but the sunny months of summer can reek havoc on a tattoo. Therefore, it is often recommended that individuals get tattooed during the winter months when the sun’s rays are not as powerful and, therefore, not as damaging to the work itself.

Q: If I am sick, is it still OK for me to get a tattoo?

A: If your immune system is not 100%, getting a tattoo is probably not a good idea. You will need the full strength of your immune system to help with the healing process of your skin, so avoid the process if you are under the weather. Instead, call to reschedule your appointment for a later date when you will be feeling better.

If you want to know even more about tattoos, visit our website at This information is only the tip of the iceberg -- you can find much more information on our webpage or purchase our helpful eBook if you are getting ready to get one yourself. This practice is an integral part of our human story on Earth and some of the earliest art known to man.

Free E-mail Course

Free E-mail Course

To sign up for your FREE 10-day email-course "Discover the Top 10 online Tattoo Designs" just enter your name and email address below!

This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to proper maintenance. If you would like to find out even more, visit, which specializes in everything from choosing the right spot to caring for one’s skin. On the website you can also access an offer for a comprehensive eBook that tells you everything you need and want to know about caring for your body art so that it stays as sharp as the day you got it.

A Guide to Chinese Symbol Tattoo’s

Your Free Bonus, Number 1

A Guide to Chinese Symbol Tattoo’s

Chinese tattoos are so hot right now,

everyone is getting one.

If you are looking to get a Chinese Symbol tattoo make sure you read this cool bonus.

Your Free Bonus, Number 2

Flower Tattoo’s, what are they all about?

Flower tattoos are also hugely popular.

They always have been and probably always will be...

...especially with the ladies.

Getting your tattoo is going to be a great experience and once you have it you are going to feel great, you will probably feel you should have done it a long time ago.

There are also many other things in life you can learn about that will help to enhance you life as well as the tattoo.

check out more at

Three Reasons To Believe What I Say

Three Reasons To Believe What I Say

Reason one: We have visited numerous Tattoo parlours and spoken to many artist in the process of putting this information together for you.

Reason two: We also consulted many professionals to bring you a consise After Care section so that you will experience and fast and less painfull recovery.

Reason three: And last but not least we have done lots of research on what Tattos mean and cover Tattoo Motifs and Symbolism.

check out more at

Warning: Do NOT buy any Product name

Warning: Do NOT buy any Product name
unless it meets the following 3 criteria

There is a lot of confusion surrounding our field. I want to give you 3 criteria or elements you absolutely, positively must have in any solution you obtain:

1: The material must be writen by someone who has actually been through the experience of choosing a tattoo design and then going all the way and getting it inked on their body.

2: Research must be conducted and real live practecing tattoo artist must be consulted and interviewed to find out the real inner workings of tattooing.

3: And last but not least it needs to be writen in a friendly manner that is going to make for an enjoyable read.

check out more at

The Tattoo Process Explained

The Tattoo Process Explained

Given that this is the first time you are getting a tattoo you are probably wondering just what exactly is involved in getting a tattoo done, you want more detail on the inks and the needles and how the ink is applied and so on.

In this section, the tattoo process explained, we go through and detail for you exactly what is involved in getting your first tattoo applied.

We give you the complete low down so you can put your mind at rest because you know exactly what is involved and can mentaly prepare yourself for what is going to happen once you are in the hot seat and you hear the needles buzzing...

find more at

Choosing a tattoo artist

Choosing a tattoo artist

Now how does one go about choosing a tattoo artist?

Not sure where to start?

We let you in on the real things to look for when you are trying to find the right person to put a permanent image on you body. You need to know that you are in the hands of someone who is qualified and knows what they are doing.

To that end we have condensed it all down to Three easy steps that anyone can follow to ensure a rewarding tattoo experience:

Step 1: Check artists portfolios

You want to find where the artist real talent lies and that they are good at the producing the style of tattoo that you are after. You need to find the right FIT.

Step 2: Go over the tattoo experience with the artist.

We give you a list of 5 must ask questions to get you headed in the right direction

Step 3: How much should you pay for your new tattoo?

Making sure you are getting what you are paying for but also not going too cheap as to jepordise your new tattoo.

find more at

get a tattoo?

get a tattoo?

We all know of at least one tattoo horror story, you know the one, where a guy or girl gets a tattoo with their new boyfriend/girlfriend's name on it, to show them how much they love them.

And then a week later they got dumpt.

What about goods reasons to get a tattoo and lousy reasons to get a tattoo we cover them both so you can sure of what you are getting yourself into.

find more info at

Why am I doing this?

When I was thinking first about getting a tattoo, I could not find much info about the whole processes, nothing to tell me what getting a tattoo was like.

I wanted to know how much it was going to HURT.

I wanted to know that I was doing it for the right reasons and was not going to regret it later in life.

I wanted to know about all the different designs, their history and the meaning behind them.

... But no matter how hard I looked I could not find it all in the one place, there was some info about how much it would hurt over here and some designs and history details scattered over there.

No one had consolidated it into a convenient package so I could learn all about it without wasting weeks maybe even months looking at all the websites, going to library's reading books and visiting all the tattoo parlors or studios in my area.

And I thought to myself that shurly I am not the only one who has these questions, surly these questions would be common of anyone who is looking at getting a tattoo done or just wants to know more about the world of tattoos.

So I decided to ...

Sit down pool all my resources together, boil down and consolidate all the information I had found and absorbed over the many months I had been researching tattoos and put it all together so you don't have to waist all your TIME searching for the answers.

see more at

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Free Tattoo Galleries and Free Tattoo Flash What Is the Difference

People can spend a great deal of time online looking for the perfect tattoo
design. There are many different options available for research tattoo designs
online. This article will look at some of the different types of sites and
explain what the difference is between them. This will help clear up the
confusion about the difference between free tattoo galleries and free tattoo

Free Tattoo Galleries

The world of the internet has really creped into almost every part of our
life. It has become so easy to find a ton of great information in just seconds
by using the internet and today’s search engines. This has even changed the
method of selecting a tattoo design. A year ago if you wanted a tattoo then you
had to go to your local tattoo shop. However, today there are a ton of options
to finding tattoo ideas online. The first place that people often look is free tattoo
There are tons of internet users looking for there tattoo galleries
for a wide variety of reasons. Typically a tattoo gallery will consist of user
submitted photos of tattoos. That means somebody goes out and get a tattoo,
takes a picture of the finished work and then posts it online. These free
galleries are a great resource to find a lot of tattoo photos and ideas
quickly. However once you find a tattoo you like you will have to print out the
picture and take it to your local shop or find someone to make a design of the
tattoo for you based on the picture.

Free Tattoo Flash

The other type of sites is one that specializes in tattoo ready designs
called flash. These are tattoo designs that have already been put on a special
paper so any tattoo artists can easily replicate the design and make the exact
tattoo quickly and easily. There are a ton of sites now online that sells
tattoo flash designs. However, as a user if you are trying to find some of this
high quality flash for a tattoo design that you are honestly considering
getting done then stop using the word free in the search. If you use the search
term “free tattoo flash” then you might end up having to plow through a bunch
of pretty useless sites that offer low quality flash. However if you just
search for the term tattoo flash online you can quickly and easily find great
quality tattoo flash designs.

This really goes along with the old saying you get what you pay for. Well,
if you are looking for free tattoo flash and galleries then you are probably
not going to end up with a super high quality design. In fact the actual tattoo
design might not even be done by professional flash artists. Instead many
people just pay to have an artist to a bunch of tattoo designs. These artists
might not even be tattoo artists but just artists in general.
So if you are looking for a high quality tattoo design or tattoo flash then
don’t use the word free and also don’t waste time looking for flash on tattoo
galleries. This will save you a lot of time and knowing the difference between
the two will help you in finding the design you are after.

Visit our informational pages at and take a look at all of our articles about different types of designs.