Sunday, September 24, 2006

Three Dots Tattoos

Three Dots Tattoos, What Do They Mean?

A tattoo of three dots in a triangle, usually found on the skin between the thumb and forefinger, stands for "mi vida loca" ("my crazy life"). Along with the pachuco cross, it is a popular "generic" tattoo among Hispanic teenagers. It is sometimes worn as a Sureño (gang) symbol, as a tattoo between thumb and forefinger is believed to be harder to remove (Norteños, an opposing gang, use 4 dots). Often, though, teenagers will wear it just as a matter of style, with no gang involvement whatsoever. The tattoo has also been taken up by Vietnamese teenagers, along with the similar interpretation of "toi khong can gica" ("I don't need anything").

This is also popular in German prisons among current and former convicts as a symbol of their time done behind bars. Generally it implies the person does not know or has not seen or heard anything and has therefore no information for the police. This tattoo also usually appears on the skin between the thumb and forefinger. Also for some groups it means 'I hate cops'.

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